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朱恩达 王亚强 赵妍 李斌

朱恩达, 王亚强, 赵妍, 等. 东亚区域人工智能气象大模型预报技巧评估. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(6): 641-653. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240601..
引用本文: 朱恩达, 王亚强, 赵妍, 等. 东亚区域人工智能气象大模型预报技巧评估. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(6): 641-653. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240601.
Zhu Enda, Wang Yaqiang, Zhao Yan, et al. Evaluation of weather forecasts from AI big models over East Asia. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(6): 641-653. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240601.
Citation: Zhu Enda, Wang Yaqiang, Zhao Yan, et al. Evaluation of weather forecasts from AI big models over East Asia. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(6): 641-653. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240601.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240601

国家自然科学基金气象联合基金项目 U2342219

中国气象科学研究院基本科研业务费项目 2023Z013


    王亚强, 邮箱: yqwang@cma.gov.cn

Evaluation of Weather Forecasts from AI Big Models over East Asia

  • 摘要: 针对人工智能气象大模型的500 hPa位势高度、2 m气温、10 m风速、降水以及热带气旋路径等, 从定性和定量两个角度进行评估。结果表明:从定性角度出发, FuXi、Pangu和GraphCast 3个大模型均会响应热带异常加热, 其中Pangu与GraphCast响应强度接近, FuXi响应较弱。从定量角度出发, FuXi整体展现出更高的预报能力, 其最大可用预报日数超过9.75 d, Pangu和GraphCast分别为8.75 d和8.5 d。在2 m气温预报中, FuXi的时间异常相关系数为0.48~0.91, Pangu和GraphCast分别为0.43~0.91和0.38~0.83。此外, 采用TS(threat score)评分对FuXi和GraphCast降水预报进行评估, FuXi在晴雨、小雨和中雨预报中更具优势, 其预报技巧分别为0.22~0.41、0.15~0.24和0.06~0.22, GraphCast在大雨预报中展现更强能力。针对2019年7月29日华北暴雨和2020年8月16—17日乐山暴雨两次极端降水个例进行分析, FuXi和GraphCast均可提前8 d预报降水的空间分布, 但在降水量级预报中存在偏差, 随着预报时效减小, 偏差也逐渐减小。在热带气旋路径预报中, Pangu展现更高精度。
  • 图  1  冬季500 hPa位势高度对黑色实线所示区域内0.1 K的异常热带加热在不同积分时间(5 d、10 d和20 d) 的响应

    Fig. 1  500 hPa geopotential height responsed to tropical anomalous heating of 0.1 K within region outlined by the black line integrated for 5 d, 10 d and 20 d in winter

    图  2  东亚区域500 hPa位势高度预报空间异常相关系数随时效变化

    Fig. 2  Spatial anomaly correlation coefficients of 500 hPa geopotential height forecast over East Asia

    图  3  不同时效(5 d和10 d) 500 hPa位势高度的时间异常相关系数和标准化均方根误差

    Fig. 3  Temporal anomaly correlation coefficients and normalized root mean square errors of 500 hPa geopotential height forecast over East Asia at lead times of 5 d and 10 d

    图  4  不同时效(5 d和10 d) 2 m气温与10 m风速预报偏差

    Fig. 4  Error distributions of 2 m temperature and 10 m wind speed forecasts at lead times of 5 d and 10 d

    图  5  不同时效(5 d和10 d) 2 m气温预报的时间异常相关系数和标准化均方根误差

    Fig. 5  Temporal anomaly correlation coefficients and normalized root mean square errors of 2 m temperature forecast at lead times of 5 d and 10 d

    图  6  不同时效(5 d和10 d) 10 m风速预报的时间异常相关系数和标准化均方根误差

    Fig. 6  Temporal anomaly correlation coefficients and normalized root mean square errors of 10 m wind speed forecast at lead times of 5 d and 10 d

    图  7  FuXi和GraphCast晴雨、小雨、中雨和大雨的TS评分随预报时效变化

    Fig. 7  TS of rainfall, light rainfall, moderate rainfall, and heavy rainfall forecast based on FuXi and GraphCast at different lead times

    图  8  FuXi和GraphCast不同时效预报与观测强降水(大于7.5 mm)

    Fig. 8  Heavy rainfall (greater than 7.5 mm) forecast and observation from FuXi and GraphCast at different lead times

    图  9  基于台站观测数据的2019年7月29日华北暴雨总降水量与2020年8月16—17日乐山暴雨总降水量

    Fig. 9  Heavy rainfall observations of North China on 29 Jul 2019 and of Leshan from 16 Aug to 17 Aug in 2020

    图  10  2019年7月29日华北暴雨FuXi和GraphCast不同起报时刻降水预报偏差

    Fig. 10  Rainfall forecast biases initiated at different time based on FuXi and GraphCast during heavy rainfall of North China on 29 Jul 2019

    图  11  2020年8月16—17日乐山暴雨FuXi和GraphCast不同起报时刻降水预报偏差

    Fig. 11  Rainfall forecast biases initiated at different time based on FuXi and GraphCast during heavy rainfall of Leshan from 16 Aug to 17 Aug in 2020

    图  12  西北太平洋2019年(33个)和2020年(26个)热带气旋路径预报偏差随时效变化

    Fig. 12  Mean biases of tropical cyclone tracks over Northwest Pacific of 2019 (33 cyclones) and 2020 (26 cyclones) at different lead times

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