Characteristics and Simulation of Artificially Triggered Lightning Precursor Current Pulse
During summers from 2010 to 2014, two kinds of rocket are used for artificially triggered lightning experiments in Guangzhou Field Experiment Site for Lightning Research and Testing. Based on the analysis upon current data of 25 classical rocket-and-wire triggered lightings, it can be confirmed that the unipolar precursor pulse is generated from the lightning triggered by copper wire, while the unipolar precursor pulse is generated from the lightning triggered by steel wire. As for the unipolar precursor pulse, the geometric mean (GM) values of peak current, rise time, duration of waveform and charge transfer are 26 A, 0.33 μs, 2.3 μs and 27 μC, respectively. While for the bipolar precursor pulse, the corresponding values are 67 A, 0.24 μs, 2.1 μs and 54 μC, respectively. The GM value of peak current for bipolar precursor pulse is close to 2.6 times that of the unipolar precursor pulse, however, GM values of duration and rise time are similar. Furthermore, the channel base current waveforms generated from copper and steel line are simulated by using the transmission line model. The simulated waveform is consistent with the observed one. The channel base current waveforms exhibit a bipolar oscillation, which can be caused by the obviously small characteristic impedance for copper wire than the grounding block. It is confirmed that the two forms of current waveform are caused by the difference between characteristics impedance of transmission line and grounding system. Precursor pulses are known that can be attributed to the superposition between the channel top current pulses and the bottom reflected current pulses. The current flows into the grounding system. If the characteristic impedance of transmission line doesn't match with the characteristic impedance of grounding system, the current will reflect at the connecting point between the transmission line and grounding system. With larger difference between the characteristic impedance of transmission line and grounding system, the reflection is more obvious. As a contrast, the characteristic impedance of steel wire is close to that of grounding system, which leads to weak reflection. Therefore, the current at the channel bottom generated from triggered lightning with steel wire is the same as the top current. The current pulses generated by the upward leader initial discharge at the top of the transmission line are unipolar. The conclusion is also verified by simulation results.