Lou Xiaofeng, Fu Yu, Su Zhengjun. Advances of silver iodide seeding agents for weather modification. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2021, 32(2): 146-159. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20210202.
Citation: Lou Xiaofeng, Fu Yu, Su Zhengjun. Advances of silver iodide seeding agents for weather modification. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2021, 32(2): 146-159. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20210202.

Advances of Silver Iodide Seeding Agents for Weather Modification

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20210202
  • Received Date: 2020-11-03
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-01-18
  • Publish Date: 2021-03-31
  • Silver iodide (AgI) is the most widely-used seeding agent in field experiment and operations of weather modification. There are several nucleation modes for AgI seeding agents, and the nucleation process is affected by many factors including atmospheric temperature, humidity, particle size, composition of seeding agent and its particle generation method. The nucleation efficiency, nucleation modes affect the number of nucleated crystals, and thus affect the seeding effect.Through laboratory research of cloud chamber and theoretical calculation, the critical embryo sizes required for different nucleation mechanisms, nucleation threshold temperature, nucleation mechanisms, factors effecting nucleation for AgI and with some other added materials are analyzed. It is currently accepted that there are four nucleation mechanisms, including deposition, condensation freezing, contact freezing and immersion freezing nucleation. And it is recognized that nucleation processes depend on the varied temperature, humidity, and cloud conditions that can be encountered in the atmosphere. Immersion nucleation refers to nucleation of freezing by a particle immersed in water, and deposition nucleation refers to nucleation of the ice phase from the vapor, contact nucleation refers to the nucleation of the freezing induced by a particle during first contact with supercooled water, and condensation freezing is the nucleation of the freezing from the condensation of vapor to liquid droplet.The ice-nucleating properties and nucleation effectiveness of cloud seeding materials produced by burning acetone solutions or pyrotechnics of AgI and other materials are tested in a wind-tunnel cloud chamber test facility along with isothermal cloud chamber and dynamic cloud chamber. Through laboratory test, different formulations are compared, and high nucleation efficiency of seeding materials are selected, and nucleation features for four nucleation modes separately are obtained.Silver iodide seeding cloud model are based on a combination of theory and laboratory results. The ice nucleation schemes employed in cloud models vary widely. Hsie's seeding scheme simulated both contact-freezing and deposition nucleation on the laboratory measured effectiveness spectra of nucleus. Meyers seeding scheme considers all the four processes on cloud chamber results of ice-forming processes by AgI. In China, AgI seeding models are developed since the 1990s, either similar with Hsie's seeding scheme on three nucleation mechanisms, or similar with Meyers seeding scheme on four nucleation mechanisms.
  • Table  1  Temperatures of various materials being active as deposition or contact nuclei

    组分 核化机制 R/μm T/℃ 来源
    高岭石 接触冻结 0.1~30 -12~-5 文献[24]
    高岭石 凝华 0.5~3 -19 文献[25]
    蒙脱石 接触冻结 0.1~30 -8~-3 文献[24]
    蒙脱石 凝华 0.5~3 <-27 文献[25]
    CuS 接触冻结 ≤1 -6 文献[26]
    CdI2 接触冻结 ≤1 -12 文献[27]
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    Table  2  The order, cloud chambers and the assumptions of quantification of four nucleation mechanisms of hydrophobic AgI-AgCl and hygroscopic AgI-AgCl-4NaCl(from Reference [41-43])

    检测顺序 核化机制 云室类型 计算方法 假定条件
    1 凝华核化 膨胀云室 总冰晶数量 粒子面上均匀核化
    2 接触冻结核化 等温云室 总冰晶数量 云滴浓度稳定, 粒子浓度2100 cm-3或4300 cm-3主要考虑布朗运动造成气溶胶的清除
    3 浸没冻结核化 膨胀云室 总冰晶数量-凝华核化-接触冻结核化 利用绝热云模式计算水面过饱和度。CCN凝结形成云滴,与通过碰并过程浸没的气溶胶,同样发生浸没冻结
    4 凝结冻结核化 膨胀云室 总冰晶数量-接触-浸没-凝华 利用绝热云模式计算水面过饱和度
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    Table  3  Six formulations of AgI acetone solution (the amount of each component in 1 kg solution)

    序号 AgI/g NH4I/g 其他成分/g
    1 50 15.43
    2 50 NaI:15.96
    3 50 KI:17.67
    4 20 6.17 H2O:3.0
    5 20 6.17 NH4ClO4:3.0
    6 20 6.17 BiI3:0.23
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    • Received : 2020-11-03
    • Accepted : 2021-01-18
    • Published : 2021-03-31


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