Li Wan, Zhao Hujia, Wang Changshuang, et al. Variation characteristics of aerosol optical depth in Northeast China from 2003 to 2022. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(2): 211-224. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240207.
Citation: Li Wan, Zhao Hujia, Wang Changshuang, et al. Variation characteristics of aerosol optical depth in Northeast China from 2003 to 2022. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(2): 211-224. DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240207.

Variation Characteristics of Aerosol Optical Depth in Northeast China from 2003 to 2022

More Information
  • Based on the MODIS (moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer) AOD (aerosol optical depth) and MEIC (multi-resolution emission inventory for China) in Northeast China from 2003 to 2022, the spatial distribution and interannual trend of AOD in Northeast China are analyzed. Effects of meteorological factors and anthropogenic emissions on AOD changes in Northeast China are discussed. Results show that the AOD maximum in central Liaoning is 0.6, followed by an average AOD of 0.4 in western Jilin and 0.3 in Heilongjiang. The average AOD in Northeast China is lower than that in north China, Yangtze River Delta and other frequent pollution areas. High AOD occurs in spring and summer in Northeast China, and it decreases spatially in autumn while increases in winter. The summer AOD in Liaoning is significantly higher than that in other regions, when the average value in central Liaoning and the Bohai Rim increases to 0.6. The highest values of AOD in different seasons occur in Liaoning, followed by Jilin and Heilongjiang. The increase of AOD in summer is mainly related to environmental humidity, and adverse meteorological conditions and local emissions have certain effects on near-surface atmospheric extinction in winter. The annual occurrence frequency of AOD in the range of [0.1, 0.2) and [0.2, 0.3) in Liaoning is up to 50%, the annual occurrence frequency of AOD in the range of [0.1, 0.2) in Jilin and Heilongjiang is up to 25%-30%, and the annual occurrence frequency of extreme clean condition in Heilongjiang is up to 15%. Affected by dust events in spring, the occurrence frequency of AOD [0.2, 0.3) and AOD [0.3, 0.4) in Northeast China is 25%. The regional average value of AOD in Northeast China is higher in 2003 and 2014, which is mainly influenced by boundary layer meteorological elements and anthropogenic emission of SO2, PM2.5, organic carbon (OC) and NO2. In Northeast China, AOD is negatively correlated with boundary layer height and average wind speed, and positively correlated with anthropogenic emissions. The correlation coefficient between AOD and anthropogenic emissions of SO2, PM2.5 and OC is the highest in Liaoning. From 2003 to 2022, AOD in Liaoning shows a weak negative growth trend (about-0.1 per decade), while the AOD in Jilin and Heilongjiang shows little change trend. From the perspective of seasonal interannual trend, there is a transition from a negative increasing trend in spring to a positive increasing trend in summer before 2012. After 2013, the summer AOD in Northeast China shows a negative growth trend (-0.3 per decade), which confirms that the contribution of summer aerosol to atmospheric extinction in Northeast China is decreasing in the past 10 years.
  • Fig  1.   Distribution of AOD, topographic height, population size and anthropogenic SO2 emissions in Northeast China from Mar 2003 to Feb 2023

    Fig  2.   Seasonal distribution of AOD in Northeast China from Mar 2003 to Feb 2023

    Fig  3.   Regional average of AOD in Northeast China from Mar 2003 to Feb 2023

    Fig  4.   Seasonal distribution of boundary layer height (the shaded) and wind field (the vector) in Northeast China from Mar 2003 to Feb 2023

    Fig  5.   Frequency occurrence of AOD in Northeast China from Mar 2003 to Feb 2023

    Fig  6.   Interannual variation of AOD in Northeast China from Mar 2003 to Feb 2023

    Fig  7.   Interannual variation of wind speed, precipitation and boundary layer height in Northeast China from 2003 to 2020

    Fig  8.   Interannual variation of SO2, PM2.5, OC and NOx in Northeast China from 2003 to 2020

    Fig  9.   Interdecadal variation trend of AOD in Northeast China

    (· denotes the trend passing the test of 0.05 level)

    Fig  10.   Interdecadal variation trend of AOD in different seasons in Northeast China

    (· denotes the trend passing the test of 0.05 level)

    Table  1   Correlation coefficient between AOD and meteorological and anthropogenic emissions in Northeast China from 2003 to 2020

    气象因子与人为排放源 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江
    边界层高度 -0.56* -0.42 -0.43
    平均风速 -0.52* -0.60* -0.46
    SO2 0.62* 0.25 0.10
    PM2.5 0.61* 0.34 0.25
    OC 0.60* 0.36 0.29
    NOx 0.17 0.23 0.25
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    Article views403 PDF downloads82 Cited by: 4
    • Received : 2023-10-18
    • Accepted : 2023-12-05
    • Published : 2024-03-26


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