Qiu Guiqiang, Wu Yongli, Dong Chunqing, et al. Moisture transfer characteristics of extreme precipitation during the warm season in the mid-south section of the Taihang Mountains. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(3): 285-297. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240303.
Citation: Qiu Guiqiang, Wu Yongli, Dong Chunqing, et al. Moisture transfer characteristics of extreme precipitation during the warm season in the mid-south section of the Taihang Mountains. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(3): 285-297. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240303.

Moisture Transfer Characteristics of Extreme Precipitation During the Warm Season in the Mid-south Section of the Taihang Mountains

DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240303
  • Received Date: 2023-12-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-03-11
  • Publish Date: 2024-05-31
  • Extreme precipitation events in China have increased significantly in recent decades. Extreme precipitation can easily trigger natural disasters such as urban waterlogging, landslides, and mudslides, which poses a serious threat to the social economy, human lives and property. Currently, research on extreme precipitation has attracted widespread attention.To increase the accuracy of extreme precipitation forecasts, precipitation data from automatic meteorological stations, ERA5 reanalysis data, and Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) data are used to summarize the synoptic circulation affecting 75 extreme precipitation events in the mid-south section of the Taihang Mountains during the warm season (May-September) for the period of 2012-2021 on the basis of self-organizing maps (SOMs) neural network, synoptic verification method, and hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory (HYSPLIT) model. Characteristics of moisture transfer and the resulting precipitation for various types of synoptic circulation are also discussed. Results show that there are five types of synoptic circulation that affect extreme precipitation during the warm season in the mid-south section of the Taihang Mountains, namely the upper trough type, low vortex type, zonal subtropical high type, meridional subtropical high type, and northwest airflow type. The upper trough type is the most frequent, accounting for 40.0%, while the northwest airflow type is the least common, representing less than 5%. The daily extreme, maximum hourly intensity, and impact range of precipitation resulting from the low vortex circulation are the highest among all types. There are three moisture transfer passages for the low vortex type: The Bay of Bengal, South China Sea, and Northwest Pacific. Compared to the low vortex type, the upper trough type cannot transfer moisture through the Northwest Pacific passage, while neither the zonal subtropical high type nor the meridional subtropical high type can transfer moisture through the Bay of Bengal passage. Air mass tracking results indicate that the contribution of moisture transfer from the Northwest Pacific is the highest for both the low vortex type and the zonal subtropical high type, the contribution of moisture transfer from the Yellow Sea coast is the highest for the upper trough type, and the contribution of moisture transfer from the South China Sea is the highest for the meridional subtropical high type. Analysis of the moisture budget in the whole troposphere reveals that the main moisture inflow of extreme precipitation during the warm season in the mid-south section of the Taihang Mountains comes from the southern boundary. Other inflow boundaries and the relative contribution of all inflow boundaries is related to the synoptic circulation. The moisture budget at the boundaries of the lower troposphere differs from that in the whole troposphere.
  • Fig. 1  Threshold of extreme precipitation at meteorological stations in the target area (the dot marker, unit:mm;the shaded denotes the terrain height)

    Fig. 2  Composited 500 hPa geopotential height (the contour, unit:dagpm) and 850 hPa wind (the vector) for different synoptic circulation types affecting extreme precipitation events from May to Sep during 2012—2021 (the black rectangle box denotes the target area)

    Fig. 3  Average daily precipitation (the dot marker, unit:mm) for different synoptic circulation types affecting extreme precipitation events from May to Sep during 2012—2021 (the shaded denotes the terrain height)

    Fig. 4  Composited 700 hPa moisture flux for different synoptic circulation types affecting extreme precipitation events from May to Sep during 2012—2021 (the black rectangle box denotes the target area)

    Fig. 5  The same as in Fig. 4, but for 850 hPa

    Fig. 6  Clustered three dimensional backward trajectories of air parcel in 168 h at 2000 m altitude for different synoptic circulation types affecting extreme precipitation events by HYSPLIT model from May to Sep during 2012—2021 (different colors denote different trajectory paths, the value at one end of the trajectory path denotes proportion of the trajectory)

    Table  1  Statistical characteristics of five synoptic circulation types affecting extreme precipitation events during the warm season in the mid-south section of the Taihang Mountains

    特征 低涡型 高空槽型 副高纬向型 副高经向型 西北气流型
    个例数量 11 30 20 11 3
    个例数占比/% 14.6 40.0 26.8 14.6 4.0
    平均影响站数 50 27 31 29 20
    平均持续时间/h 10.4 9.0 10.5 7.8 4.9
    最大小时降水强度/(mm·h-1) 201.9 80.5 84.9 96.6 77.8
    日降水极值/mm 624.1 223.7 206.6 169.6 109.5
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    Table  2  Integrated moisture flux at boundaries of the mid-south section of the Taihang Mountains from May to Sep during 2012-2021 (unit:kg·m-1·s-1)

    环流类型 边界 08:00 11:00 14:00 17:00 20:00 23:00 次日02:00 次日05:00
    低涡型 西 -1415.4 -1562.7 -1349.8 -1307.6 -1373.6 -1491.0 -798.7 -508.9
    -2149.8 -2600.5 -2595.0 -2496.2 -2805.0 -2420.1 -1881.6 -1458.4
    3015.5 3237.0 3579.5 3197.5 3250.1 3865.4 3820.4 3288.7
    1478.3 1709.3 2072.9 2026.0 1846.8 2002.0 1861.1 1330.3
    高空槽型 西 1691.3 1840.0 2176.3 2228.9 2131.4 1737.0 2032.3 2168.8
    1872.0 1718.2 1928.2 2166.8 2123.0 2435.9 3463.2 3545.5
    2695.2 3033.9 3262.2 2971.0 2567.3 2942.3 2863.8 1906.7
    1037.1 1369.3 1485.5 1325.1 964.7 975.8 736.8 180.8
    副高纬向型 西 2422.4 2517.4 2619.4 2545.1 2344.3 2098.6 2595.7 2847.2
    3138.0 3157.7 3408.6 3253.1 2755.3 2920.0 3504.2 3734.7
    3415.7 3466.4 3455.6 3038.2 2438.6 2879.3 3096.1 2457.2
    687.9 773.3 687.9 541.1 345.5 437.1 372.0 67.5
    副高经向型 西 1852.3 2085.5 2443.7 2438.5 2257.7 2010.6 2502.4 2512.5
    1864.6 1902.4 2320.7 2655.4 2893.5 3145.4 4054.0 4659.6
    3467.1 3634.7 4003.8 4196.8 3546.3 4235.3 4679.0 4110.4
    2125.0 2318.2 2332.1 2354.5 2010.9 2179.1 2096.9 1472.6
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    • Received : 2023-12-06
    • Accepted : 2024-03-11
    • Published : 2024-05-31


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