The Application of Seven-level Primitive Equation Spectral Model to Numerical Forecasts for a Limited Area
In this paper, a higher resolution model for a limited area based on the Northern Hemisphere spectral model is presented. By applying the characteristics of the spectral model, some new treatments have been added on it for the expansion of initial meteorological field and for the calculation of nonlinear terms in the time integration in this model so that the initial meteorological field and the results of integration can be more accurate in a limited area (50o—140oE, 20—60oN). This model may be used to prepare for both the forecast with lower resolution (5o×5o) in the Northern Hemisphere and the forecast for a limited area with higher resolution (2.5o×2.5o) in the same time. The control experiments for 24 and 48 hours forecasts have been made by using data analysed by ECMWF and the better results have been obtained