The Meso– and Small–Scale Structure and Potential for Cloud Seeding of Wintertime Snowfall in the Zhungeer Basin
In this paper, the radar echoes, intensive soundings, microphysical observations both on ground and in clouds of four precipitation processes in winter of 1984 and the data obtained from aircraft reports in several processes in 1983 are analysed. It is shown that the meso– and small–scale systems play a great role in the precipitation processes. Snowband radar echoes can be divided into two kinds, orographic snowband and systematic snowband. The structure, evolution characteristics, formation mechanisms and the potential for artificial seeding of various types of snowbands in the Zhungeer Basin are also discussed. It is indicated that the snowbands which are produced from dynamical action such as shallow convection, waves and orographic lifting are favorable to be seeded, and that stratocumulus without disturbance or with weak natural seeding of cirri aloft is also suitable for seeding.