A Preliminary Analysis on the Relationship Between Outgoing Longwave Radiation and Drought/Flood over North China
Based on the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) data and precipitation data from 17 stations in north China during 1974 through 1986, the temporal and spatial distribution features of the OLR anomaly patterns corresponding to drought or flood cases over north China have been discussed in this paper. It is pointed out that the disposal of the OLR anomaly patterns between the drought and flood cases during the pre-winter or the summer is quite different, and the evolution of the OLR over two key regions, the equatorial central Pacific and the marine continent, can influence the distribution of the drought or flood in north China. By carrying out the multi-spectral analysis between the precipitation over north China and the OLR field over the equatorial central Pacific, a common quasi-biennial oscillations is significant, and the OLR field appear ten months prior to the precipitation.