The Relationship Between El Nino Events and the Rainfall, Historical Drought and Waterlogging in China
By using the monthly total precipitations of 178 observational station in China (1951-1989),we have analysed the characteristics of precipitation of China in the years and next years of EI Nino events and differences between them. The precipitation to the northern area of the Changjiang River is less except in spring, and it is more than normal in the southern area of China except in summer, in the years of EI Nino phenomena onset. In the next years of EI Nino events the precipitation in the most areas of China have opposite tendency. The difference is obvious in the east of Northwest China, Sichuan basin and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Additionally, in recent 500 years, the relationship is close between the distribution of historical drought or waterlogging in China and EI Nino events.