Yan Jusheng, Wang Panxing, Duan Mingkeng, et al. Analysis on spherical function structures of climatic variability for global atmospheric geopotential height fields. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2006, 17(2): 145-151. .
Citation: Yan Jusheng, Wang Panxing, Duan Mingkeng, et al. Analysis on spherical function structures of climatic variability for global atmospheric geopotential height fields. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2006, 17(2): 145-151. .

Analysis on Spherical Function Structures of Climatic Variability for Global Atmospheric Geopotential Height Fields

  • The anomaly of height fields is set up based on the temporal decomposition of these fields, and even continuations from hemisphere to globe at certain level in certain month are made. During the study, two kinds of monthly averaged geopotential fields dataset is used, namely 2.5° by 2.5° resolution even rectangular grid data and spherical function coefficient data derived from 1958—1997 NCEP/NCAR reanalyzed geopotential height fields dataset. Firstly based on the previously defined intensity index of climate anomaly fields (Ia), it demonstrates the intensity variations of hemispheric anomaly fields at the different height and seasons, and the differences between Northern and Southern Hemisphere are also investigated. Then according to the low-dimension and low-order characteristics of the spherical function spectrum in the hemispherical geopotential height anomaly fields, hemispherical circulation anomaly is divided into four types:hemispherical homogeneous anomaly, zonal homogeneous anomaly, ultra-long and long wave scale anomaly. The corresponding variance contributions (R00, R0, Rul, Rl) are also calculated respectively by using spherical function coefficient data with the wavenumber of m≥0, k≤6. Finally the variations and their hemispheric differences of the four anomalies above as the function of height and seasons are discussed in detail.The main results are as follows:① Ia shows a yearly periodic oscillation and is stronger in winter than in summer. The index always increases with the height, especially in winter. However in summer Ia has a weak high (low) value center near the tropopause (the upper stratosphere) respectively. The difference between the two hemispheres is that the seasonal variation of Ia in the Southern is weaker than the Northern at the troposphere. ② For the spectral structure of the anomaly circulations, there are some obvious changes from the troposphere to the stratosphere. In the troposphere the ultra-long wave circulation is predominant. Hemispherical homogeneous anomaly (Long wave scale anomaly) is not important in the troposphere (stratosphere) respectively. ③ The characteristics of the variance contributions of the Northern Hemisphere can be concluded that in January, R00 at all the levels are very little (less than 10%); Rl is only significant in the troposphere; R0 and Rul predominate at all the levels, whereas Rul(R0) is more important in the troposphere (stratosphere), and in July, R00 dominates in the medium and upper stratosphere; R0 takes second place; Rul and Rl are predominant in the troposphere with equivalent magnitude. ④ For the Southern Hemisphere, in July, R00(Rl) in the troposphere (stratosphere) is very little; just as the January's situation in the Northern Hemisphere, R0 and Rul are dominant through the atmosphere; Rul is a little larger. In January, the characteristics in the stratosphere are similar to July's situation in Northern Hemisphere. The difference is that Rul and R0 dominate through the troposphere with the comparable im portance.
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