Recent Progress on GRAPES Research and Application
Since 2000, in the support of two national key projects of "Chinese Heavy Rain Research Experiment" and "Research on Meteorological Numerical Prediction System Techniques", LaSW/CAMS has been in charge of developing new generation NWP system GRAPES (Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System). GRAPES' project is mainly focused on data assimilation, dynamical core, physical parameterization schemes, and infrastructure software. The main achievements include 3 dimensional variational data assimilation; standardized, modularized and parallelized coding infrastructure; full-compressible and non-hydrostatic meso-scale NWP system and its various applications. The operational results are highly encouraging and promoting for further developments. Also, a brief introduction to GRAPES research project, main progresses and some applications with future plan of GRAPES development is given.