Features of the Tropical Cyclones Landing on China in 2005
The tropical cyclone is one of the most catastrophic synoptic systems which influence the coastal regions of China. The gales, the storms, the billows as well as the storm tides, which could be brought by the tropical cyclones, can cause a great threat to the safety of the coastal people's lives and properties. Moreover, the worse disasters are always brought by the landing of the tropical cyclones. To better understand the rules of the tropical cyclones landing on China, the features of the tropical cyclones which land on China in 2005 are analyzed. It concludes that, in 2005, the landing season of the tropical cyclones is short, the landing points distributes unusually, the percentage of typhoons is unusually high and the loss is extremely serious. Furthermore, the climatic reasons of the phenomenon are discussed, and it is pointed out that the frequency of the tropical cyclones and typhoons landing on China per year is on the rise in future years.