A Simulation Study on Raindrop Orientation Variation to Dual Linear Polarimetric Radar Observation with Different Transmitting and Receiving Model
On the basis of scattering and attenuation theory of raindrop, the coupling relation between vertical and horizontal polarimetric wave is analyzed with numerical simulation methods in the same transmission and receiving waves (STSR) and alternate transmission and receiving horizontal and vertical waves (ATAR) model. While radar beam passes through uniform rain area, the variety of horizontal reflectivity ZH and its error ΔZH, differential reflectivity ZDR and its error ΔZDR, the differential propagation phase shift ΦDP and specific differential propagation phase shift KDP and its difference ΔKDP brought by raindrop slant are compared respectively along with distance between the two polarimetric models. The results indicate that the ZH of STSR are bigger and ZDR are smaller than ATAR model while raindrop is slant, so the errors of ZH and ZDR in STSR model are bigger when attenuation are not considered. While attenuation is considered, the errors of ZH in STSR are small, the errors of ZDR of 3.2 cm are small too, and that of 5.7, 10.7 cm are big. However, the difference of ZH and ZDR between models is little because the raindrop slant is small in real air. Influenced by raindrop slant KDP is bigger in ATAR model than in STSR, it decreases less than in STSR model, so the difference of ΔKDP between models is more while the slant angle increases. The shorter the wave length, the bigger the KDP, and the larger the ΔKDP are impacted by slant. In addition, two real value definitions of ZH and ZDR are addressed, by which the scattering effect of raindrop slant is considered or not. The actual microphysical structure of raindrop can be better represented by the value of not considering slant, the influence of propagation effect is eliminated, and the full size is reflected accurately, which are better representatives on the application of radar data such as quantitative estimation precipitation. It is more reasonable that the none-slant-consideration ZH, ZDR values are regarded as the real definitions.