Gao Feng, Wang Guofu, Sun Chao, et al. Application of the background management model to data sharing service platform. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2011, 22(3): 367-374. .
Citation: Gao Feng, Wang Guofu, Sun Chao, et al. Application of the background management model to data sharing service platform. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2011, 22(3): 367-374. .

Application of the Background Management Model to Data Sharing Service Platform

  • Along with the development of meteorological data sharing service platform and the establishment of the security system, appropriate administrative organization and operating mechanism, a background management system is needed to realize automated and operational management. The background management model is planned as enriching the service data products and enhancing the quality of data service. A lot of developing work has been carried out to optimize the flow of data publishing and updating, operation flow, data automatic collecting, the whole network monitoring and data service to meet these demands and changes from the beginning of 2006. At the end of 2009, the construction of the whole data sharing platform is accomplished, which consists of foreground interactive sub-system and background management sub-system. The former is responsible for the provision of data discovery and data access, and the latter offers a lot of configure management functions.The background management system for meteorological data sharing service platform is developed completely based on the metadata technology, and it uses J2EE architecture to ensure the scalability and flexibility. The logic diagram of the background management system includes data level, management level, service level and support level. The system is made up of metadata management, operational management, platform management and system monitoring modules. The system realizes metadata management and new data product publishing, data (set) management, information statistics and analysis, content management, security management, system configuration management, system monitoring, and other functions. The deployment and implementation of background management system make sure that the publishing of one new data products become more timeliness and convenient, and ensure a long-term and stable operational running of the meteorological data sharing service platform.
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