Climatic Analysis on Typhoon Rainfall of East China and Affecting Factors of the Precipitation
摘要: 分析了华东地区各类台风路径降水的气候概况和影响降水的因素,冷空气入侵、地形作用、水汽条件及影响时间的长短等都能影响台风的降水量。最后给出了两个可用于诊断预报台风降水的物理量,计算结果表明,热成散度预报正确与基本正确率为32/34。Abstract: Study is performed on climate features of rainfall from typhoons of diverse paths in East China with main affecting factors investigated. Results suggest that the intrusion of cold air, topography, moisture and the duration are main contributing factors to rainfall. Two physical quantities are given for diagnosing the rainfall. And calculation indicates that the accuracy of forecasted thermal divergence is 32/34.