For Authors

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1) Submission must be an original contribution by the named author or authors, and it has never been published before. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are considered unethical, and the bibliography information should be clearly annotated in the references. The data should be true, non-deceptive, and no fudging or plagiarism as well as other academic misconduct action.

2) All authors should be contributors to the work. There's no dispute in the author order, and the corresponding author should ensure that publication of the paper be authorized by the other authors. Alteration of the author order before publication should be consented by all authors to ensure the accuracy of all authors' rights.

3) Funds information should be indicated in the manuscript. Support or aid for the publication of the work by persons having no author qualifications should be clearly stated in the acknowledgement.

4) We are against any unethical publishing behavior (e.g. fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, duplicate submission, etc.). If the misconduct is found, sanctions will include: retracting the paper, informing the authors' institute, issuing online and printed announcement, and banning the submissions from authors for three years.

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