
Numerical Simulation of Microphysical Processes in Stratiform Clouds (I) ——Microphysical Model

  • 摘要: 本文提出了一个比较完整的层状云参数化微物理方程组。根据理论和实验结果推导了18种层状云中常见的微物理过程中云滴、雨滴、冰晶、雪团和霰的群体比水量和比浓度的转化率,它们包括凝结(蒸发)、凝华、碰并、聚合、凇附、冰晶的核化、繁生以及冰—霰、雪—霰、云—雨的自动转化率等。


    Abstract: A comprehensive parameterized model of microphysical processes in stratiform clouds is presented. The transformation rates of the specific water contents and specific concentration of the cloud droplets, rain drops, ice crystals, snow flakes, graupels are deduced based on theoretical and experimental results for 18 microphysical processes, which include condensation, deposition, evaporation, coalescence, riming, aggregation, nucleation and multiplication of ice crystals and autoconversions of cloud-rain, ice-graupel and snow-graupel


