
A Numerical Experiment of the Effect of Large Scale Heating of Condensation

  • 摘要: 本文在五层原始方程模式1绝热方案的基础上,加入了大尺度凝结加热率,并以一次黄河气旋天气过程为例,进行了48小时预报。将绝热方案的预报结果与考虑大尺度凝结加热的预报结果作了对比,表明:大尺度凝结加热对气旋的发展有促进作用,它使预报更接近实况。本文在加热项的处理上,吸取了天气工作者的经验,将计算凝结项的条件作了修正,进行了一些尝试,最后取得了较为合理的结果。


    Abstract: In this paper, the large scale heating of condensation is added into the adiabatic scheme of the five level primitive equation model. The 48-hour forecast for the cyclone development over the Yellow River has been obtained. By contrast with the prognostic charts of the adiabatic scheme, it is quite evident that the large scale heating of condensation reinforces the intensity of the cyclone and improves the prediction.The conditions of the condensation are revised by considering the experience of synoptic meteorologists. We have tried a few cases and obtained eventually a satisfactory result.


