
Numerical Simulation of Microphysical Processes of Stratiform Clouds (II)—Microphysical Processes in Middle-latitude Cyclone Cloud Systems

  • 摘要: 本文用我们的微物理模式根据P.V.Hobbs在美国获得的中纬度气旋云系和降水的中尺度和微尺度结构的探测资料进行了计算。在计算的六个例子中,微物理垂直剖面同实测结果在很多方面是相符的。模拟得出了同实测比较一致的层状云“播种-供应”机制,高空发生胞的“播种”作用和暖层云中的降雨过程等。分析表明,模式所用的双参数方案、冰晶核化、云雨自动转化、冰晶繁生等方程能较好地反映云中微物理过程,但是冰晶聚合过程的模拟(主要是碰并系数Eii的表达式)需要改进。


    Abstract: Our cloud model (Paper I) was run to calculate the microphysical structures of clouds and pricipitation associated with middle latitude cyclones, by using the observed temperature and updaft as input. The results agree with observations in many aspects. The “seeder-feeder” mechanism, seeding by generating cells and warm rain process in shallow stratiform clouds have been demonstrated. The two-parameter model and the equations of ice nucleation, cloud-rain autoconversion and ice multiplication seem to be reasonable, but the equation of ice aggregation is not good enough


