
A Case Study on Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation Particals Near the Melting Layer

  • 摘要: 本文给出了融化层中雪花融化过程特征和融化层附近降水粒子尺度谱分布函数;雪花、融雪、雨滴尺度谱分布均可用指数函数N=N0exp(-λD)来拟合。在融化层附近,谱参数N0、λ随温度升高而增大有正相关关系。谱参数N0、λ之间有幂指数关系N0=σλβ,降水水粒子相态不同,σ值差异明显。


    Abstract: The process of snow melting and the size distribution function of hydrometeors near the melting layer are described. The size distribution of snow, collapsed snow and raindrop can be fitted in with the expression of N=N0exp(-λD) near the melting layer, the spectral parameters N0 and λ are related to temperature, the relation between N0 and λ, can be fitted in with the expression of N0 =σλβ, parameter β is determined by hydrometeors


