
The Atmospheric Heat Source over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau During the Summer 1979

  • 摘要: 本文用1979年夏季6—8月青藏高原地区17个站资料(包括青藏高原科学实验资料),通过直接法求得长波辐射、短波辐射、凝结潜热和感热输送等四项加热分量,在此基础上求出高原地区的平均大气热量输送,并和国内外其它作者所估计的高原大气热源情况进行比较。计算结果表明,对高原大气热源的主要贡献是长波辐射,文中还探讨了青藏高原地区大气加热场与高原季风爆发前后以及高原季风活跃和中断时期环流的关系。


    Abstract: In this paper, by using data for 17 stations on Qinghai-Xizang Plateau during the period of June—August 1979, the components of the heat source, including long-wave radiation, short-wave radiation, latent heat, and flux of sensible heat are calculated. Based on these results the average atmospheric heat budget over Plateau is calculated. Having compared our results with those given by authors in China and in foreign countries who use the indirect method for calculation, the main contribution to the atmospheric heat source in our calculation is the long-wave radiation. Also, the relationships between the atmospheric heating field over Plateau and the monsoon circulation in various stages over Plateau are discussed.


