A Study on the Relationship Between the Masses and Dimensions of Snow Crystals
摘要: 由于雪晶形态各异,冰在其所占空间中的充填程度有很大差别;因此,雪晶最大轴径与其质量的相关十分复杂。早在30年代已对此有过较系统的研究,经几十年来的不断补充,目前已对不同形态的雪晶,及其凇附程度得出一系列关系式。但由于雪晶Abstract: The linear dimensions of snow crystals and melting drops of the same crystals on the rabbit fur were observed in Wulumuqi in the wintertime of 1984. The relationships between the masses and dimensions of the side plane, rosette, plane dendrite and spatial dendrite crystals have been obtained.