
An Investigation for Computing Three-Dimensional Trajectory

  • 摘要: 首先讨论了空气质点轨迹的计算方法,然后利用一个十层有限区域原始方程模式作了计算。根据计算的流场和12小时一次的常规观测资料,进行了时间分辨率从30分钟到12小时的轨迹精度分析。结果表明,3小时以内的时间采样可以很好地描述质点轨迹,而12小时采样对于绝大多数质点都有明显的误差。


    Abstract: A method for computing the trajectory is presented, and then a case study is made with the method by using a ten-level primitive equation model. Comparing the results obtained from the data with different time intervals ranging from 30 minutes to 12 hours, including the conventional observations only twice a day shows that using those data with the intervals equal to or less than 3 hours can lead to accurate trajectory computations while significant discrepancies are found with 12 hour interval.


