
Quasi—Operational Limited Area Objective Analysis Scheme in the National Meteorological Center

  • 摘要: 介绍了国家气象中心准业务有限区客观分析、预报系统的分析方案。采用三维最优插值方法,水平方向是1.875°×1.875°经纬度网格,在1000 hPa至50 hPa 12层标准等压面进行高度和风分量的多变量分析,在最低6层标准等压面进行相对湿度的单变量分析。检验表明,该方案为有限区预报模式提供了较好的初值分析场。


    Abstract: The scheme of quasi-operational limited area analysis-forecast system in the National Meteorological Center is described. Three dimensional optimum interporation method is used in this scheme. The full horizontal analysis grid has dimensions of 42 by 28, with a resolution of 1.875o×1.875o longitude-latitude grid. The multivariate analysis of geopotential and wind fields for 12 standard pressure levels from 1000 hPa to 50 hPa, and the univariate analysis of relative humitity for the lowest 6 standard pressure levels are made. The verification results show that satiafactory analysis values are provided for predication model using this scheme


