The Atmospheric Transmissivity Measurement in Infrared Window Region
摘要: 文章主要介绍了红外窗区太阳光谱测量的实验装置,观测方法和数据处理方法。处理了2390—3470 cm-1和750—1300 cm-1区域内的太阳光谱资料,得到了它们的大气透过率数据,并对处理结果进行了初步分析。我们认为这些大气透过率对气象卫星遥感仪器红外窗区通道选择和卫星气象资料反演等都是有用的。Abstract: This report mainly introduces the theory and facility for measuring solar infrared spectrum of window region. It also gives the method for calculating the atmospheric transmissivity within the range of 2390cm-1 to 3470cm-1 and 750cm-1 to 1300cm-1. The analysis results show that the data is helpful to the choice of infrared channels of remote sensing instruments of meteorological satellite, it is also useful to the retrieval of satellite data and so on.