Brewer 分光光度计遥感大气臭氧垂直廓线的研究

A Study of Remote Sensing Ozone Vertical Profile in the Atmosphere Using Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer

  • 摘要: 利用建立的球面分层大气散射模式,研究了Brewer仪器工作波长进行Umkehr短法反演所包含的信息量,给出Brewer仪器探测大气臭氧垂直廓线方法。同时,用气溶胶光学厚度计算得到气溶胶订正系数,建立了Umkehr反演的程序。用此程序对Table Mountain资料进行气溶胶修正,得到了较好的结果。对北京测站1991年1—3月资料进行由气溶胶造成的臭氧反演廓线的误差计算,结果表明,用常规反演方法得到的各层臭氧含量的误差与平流层气溶胶光学厚度有一近似线性的关系;进行气溶胶修正后,与国外的臭氧反演廓线的误差修


    Abstract: A spherical shell model has been carried out to analyze the information content of Umkehr measurement of Brewer work wavelengths, and a new method considering the aerosol effects on ozone profile retrieval is given by using Brewer spectrophotometer. The new method which put the aerosol correction directly into Umkehr inversion algorithm is described in detail, and the aerosol optical thickness is used to calculate the aerosol correction coefficient. The Table Mountain data has been analyzed using this method. The results are in better agreement with other measurement results. Beijing data from January to March, 1991 are also processed. There exists an approximately linear relationship between stratospheric aerosol optical thickness and aerosol errors of each Umkehr layer produced by normal method without aerosol correction. The results with aerosol correction are well compared with other work


