
The Difference of the Heating Vertical Profile Between Cumulus Precipitation and Stratus-cumulus Mixing Precipitation

  • 摘要: 文章对1991年7月吉林省连续出现的两次较大的、不同性质的降水过程进行了诊断分析与数值模拟。分析发现,7月20日的在暖区中发展起来的中尺度对流复合体纯积云暴雨过程,其视热源(Q1)的垂直剖面呈双峰状;7月21~22日,在稳定的气旋降水中嵌有中尺度积云对流降水,其视热源剖面峰值较低,位于550 hPa左右。模拟结果表明,在不同的天气系统中积云加热剖面的峰值高度是不同的,而这一差异对大尺度环境流场的反馈作用也是不同的。


    Abstract: Two cases of heavy rainfall occurred in Jilin Province in July, 1991 are diagnosed and simulated by using MM2 and MM4 mesoscale models. The results of diagnostic analyses show that the case of 20th July is a mesoscale cumulus complex (MCC) developed in warm area. The vertical profile of the apparent heat source (Q1) for this heavy rain from the only cumulus cloud has two peaks. However, for case 21th to 22th July, MCCs embody in stable precipitation of cyclone with only one peak of Q1 apparent heat source vertical profile. This single peak is over about 550 hPa and is lower than the upper peak of the former case. The results from numerical simulation indicate that the heights of cumulus heating peaks for different weather systems are different and, this different of heating peak heights may cause different feedback to large scale environmental field.


