
A Study of Heavy Rain Signature Recognition by Radar Velocity Images

  • 摘要: 文章研究了多普勒天气雷达速度图上的暴雨判据(即“逆风区”概念)的空间结构。并对1989~1992年CAMS多普勒天气雷达观测到的“逆风区”进行了统计分析。还利用1993年实际观测资料对它的预报准确率和概括率进行了检验,其预报准确率为75%,概括率为86%。


    Abstract: The spatial structures of heavy rain by Doppler radar velocity images, i. e. “Adverse Wind Regions” (AWR) were studied using Doppler radar observation data. AWRs were analysed by statistical data in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei mesoscale experiment base during the period of 1989~1992. According to AWR occurrence, the forecasting for torrential rain could be made. Its forecast accuracy and probability were tested by CAMS Doppler radar data in 1993. The accuracy was 75% and the generalization for AWR was 86%.


