
Impact of Enhanced Ultraviolet Radiation on Soybean Production and Its Estimation

  • 摘要: 在田间及盆栽试验中观测到经超量紫外线(UV280~400 nm)辐射处理的大豆作物,其株型、生理活动及产量均受到不同程度的影响,其影响量随UV辐射强度,大豆品种以及环境条件不同而异。文章还给出了计算紫外线辐射对大豆影响程度的公式,该计算方法效果较好。


    Abstract: Through the field and pot experiments, the impact of excessive solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation (280 ~ 400 nm) on the soybean plants, including stem pattern, physiological activity and yield, is investigated. Different responses to the three levels (0.15, 0.35, 0.70 W·m-2) of UV radiation are expressed of soybean production. The responses change with radiation intensity, various soybean species and environmental conditions. By studying the growth and physiological characteristics of soybean under the excessive UV radiation, several mathematical models are established to elucidate the differences of the two soybean specises. The results are satisfactory


