TOVS 水汽反演的误差分析及其订正

The Analysis of Errors and Their Correction for Water Vapour Retrievals of TOVS Data

  • 摘要: 该文利用同步物理反演法以6小时数值预报场为背景场对1992年1月份NOAA-12卫星垂直探测(TOVS)资料进行了大气参数反演,并对水汽反演误差进行了检验和分析。以常规观测作为检验的标准,检验结果按3条轨道统计,发现反演的相对湿度平均误差与背景场的误差密切相关,均为负值;在高层和高纬度,误差绝对值随高度的增加而增加,随纬度的升高而增加;误差的日际变化在高层比较稳定,低层振动较大。对反演误差进行订正后的结果表明,在500 hPa以上反演均比背景质量要好,尤其轨道A所有层次上订正后的反演比背景场好。


    Abstract: By using the improved simultaneous physical retrieval method and with a 6 h numerical weather prediction as background field, the atmospheric parameters were retrieved from TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) data measured in January 1992 by satellite NOAA-12, and the water vapour retrieval errors were analysed and tested with conventional observational data as normal. The statistical results of the water vapour retrieval errors according to 3 satellite trajectories in the experimental area show some interesting features. The mean errors of retrieval for RH are closely correlated with the error of background field, and they are all negative. The regularity is shown obviously at high levels and high latitudes, that is, the absolute values of mean errors increase with altitude of level and latitude increasing. The interdiurnal variations of the errors are smaller at high levels, and bigger at low levels. The results of retrieval error corrected show that the retrievals above 500 hPa are better than those of background field, especially for trajectory A.


