
Interpolation Experiment of Missing Meteorological Data by Using Chebyshev Polynomials Method

  • 摘要: 使用一维车贝雪夫多项式展开进行历史年降水量和月平均气温各种缺测情况下资料的插补试验,在迭代计算过程中,还对理想初值的两种临界迭代次数选取方案和迭代终值法进行了大量的试验。结果表明,一般情况下迭代终值计算精度较高,旱涝年则理想初值拟合结果更好一些;一年缺测插补精度高于连续多年缺测;双向插补计算结果优于单独使用顺序或逆序插补结果。


    Abstract: By using one-dimensional Chebyshev polynomials expansion, the interpolation experiments of missing data for annual precipitation and monthly mean temperature have been made. A number of tests have been made for the selection schemes of two kinds of critical iteration times and iterative terminal value method of ideal initial values. The results are as follows: the calculating accuracy of the terminal values are higher generally; but the fitting results of ideal initial value much better for dryness-wetness year; the accuracy of interpolation of missing data for year is higher than that for continuous several years; the calculating results of two-direction interpolation method are better than that by using sequential or contrary interpolation alone.


