
The Spatial Patterns and Teleconnection Analysis of Low Frequency Oscillation over West Pacific and Indian Ocean in Low-latitude form 1980 to1983

  • 摘要: 利用1980年1月~1983年12月已滤波的OLR资料,采用经验正交函数分析方法,对1980~1981年(正常年)和1982~1983年(异常年)低纬西太平洋和印度洋地区低频振荡的空间分布及遥相关特征进行了研究。结果表明:正常年与异常年,这些地区低频振荡的强度、空间型及时间系数的变化有较大的差异。此外,还发现正常年这些地区存在3种低频遥相关,即赤道西太平洋型,北热带西太平洋型和赤道印度洋型;异常年则仅存在2种低频遥相关,即赤道西太平洋型和南热带西太平洋型。由于受厄尔诺事件的影响,东西向偶极型低频振荡中心的


    Abstract: Using the filtered OLR data from 1980 to 1983, the features of low frequency oscillation over the West Pacific and the Indian Ocean in lower latitude are studied by means of the EOF method. The results show that there exist great differences to the intensities, spatial patterns and the variations of time coefficient of low frequency oscillation in these regions between normal years (1980~1981) and abnormal years (1982~1983). Furthermore, it is found that there exist three species of low frequency teleconnections for normal years, i.e. the equatorial West Pacific, the northern tropical West Pacific and the equatorial Indian Ocean patterns, while there only exist two species of those for abnormal years, i. e. the equatorial West Pacific and the southern tropical West Pacific patterns. Because of the influences of E1 Nino, there exist great variations both for the locations and intensities of low frequency oscillation centers of west-east bipolar circulation pattern.


