
Construction of PBL Wind Fields by Fitting Numerical Simulation Output with Observations

  • 摘要: 该文用最优化方法修正边界层模式的外强迫项,使模式输出结果最好地拟合有限的观测资料。目标函数相对于参数的梯度用扰动法计算。利用模式资料和在兰州市的实测资料所作的数值试验表明,该方法是合理的。


    Abstract: The optimization method is used to modify some external forcing terms in the PBL model. By this way the output of the model is fitted with the observations, and wind fields in the PBL are produced. The gradients of the objective function with respect to the parameters are obtained through perturbation method. Furthermore, the reasonableness of this method is tested by using the model data and the observation in Lanzhou city.


