GMS-5 估计可降水量的研究

Study of Total Precipitable Water By GMS-5

  • 摘要: 文章证明了由静止气象卫星GMS-5的分裂窗通道和水汽通道亮温反演可降水量的可行性,探讨了GMS-5红外通道亮温与可降水量的关系,建立了由3个通道亮温反演可降水量的经验公式。用60组大气平均廓线,对公式模拟检验误差为0.18 g/cm2,而用实际124组探空和对应的GMS-5亮温资料进行检验,误差0.40 g/cm2。用得到的经验公式可反演大范围的晴空可降水量分布。


    Abstract: The feasibility for the retrieval of precipitatble water (PW) by using GMS-5 infrared “Split Window” and vapor channel brightness temperatures (BT) is demonstrated. The relationship between GMS-5 IR channel BT and PW is discussed and an empirical formula of retrieval PW is presented by using the three channels of BT. The results show that RMS errors simulated from 60 groups of atmospheric mean profiles and retrieved by GMS-5 realtime BT data and 124 radiosonde data are 0.18 g/cm2 and 0.40 g/cm2, respectively. The wide range PW distribution of clear air can be retrieved by using this empirical formula


