摘要: 利用ISLSCP的土壤湿度、植被和NOAA的实时雪盖、海温资料, 通过改变T106模式的地表参数及改进地表通量计算方法, 探讨了地表参数对T106谱模式预报效果的影响.试验表明, 地表参数及地面过程对T106模式的预报结果有较大影响, 试验方案改进了模式的预报效果, 尤其对西太平洋副热带高压的预报, 如对副高特征值588 dagpm线北界和西伸脊点、面积指数和强度指数以及副高整体进退预报都比业务模式更接近实况.Abstract: Based on the data of soil humidity, vegetation of ISLSCP and the snow cover, SST of NOAA through modifying the surface parameters of T106 model and surface flux scheme, the influences of these surface parameters on the forecast effcet of T106 model are studied. The experiments indicate that the surface parameters and new scheme could improve the forecast of T106 model, espcially the forecast of subtropical high. For example, the forecasts of experiment schemes for the west-extending ridge point index, area index and intensity index of subtropical high are better than those of operational prediction.
表 1 数值试验方案
表 2 110°~130°E、10°N以北副高面积指数预报误差
表 3 110°~130°E、10°N以北副高强度指数预报误差
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