摘要: 该文利用探空资料, 用辐射传输模式LOWTRAN 7, 计算了卫星的入瞳辐射率, 确定了FY-2和GMS-5卫星多通道扫描辐射计水汽通道定标系数.由于星蚀期间星上温度变化迅速, 星蚀期间的外定标考虑了星上黑体定标, 并用实际观测值和探空资料做了检验。通过近半年的运行, 这种方法取得了较好的效果.Abstract: By using the radio sonde data and Lowtran 7, the radiance is calculated, and the calibration coefficients of FY-2 and GMS-5 water vapor channels are fitted. During the period of around equinox eclipse, the temperature on satellite would change rapidly, and the vicarious calibration combining with in-flight calibration would be considered. The validations are made using radiosonde data and GMS-5 observational values. The vicarious calibration has got a good result in the operations for half a year.
表 1 GMS-5水汽通道定标系数
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