摘要: 利用我国大陆均匀分布的70个测站1961~1991年逐日降水量资料, 讨论了月降水量的气候噪声的3种估计方法, 并分别用改进后的方法估计了1、4、7、10月四个有代表性月份降水量的气候噪声.结果表明:我国月降水量的气候噪声随着降水量增加, 具有明显的季节变化, 一般夏季月份的噪声显著大于冬季月份, 秋季月份稍高于春季月份.从空间分布看, 春、夏、秋、冬全国绝大部分地区的气候噪声由南向北、由沿海向内陆明显减小.Abstract: Based on the daily precipitation data of 70 stations selected evenly over China from 1961 to 1991, three estimating methods on climate noise of monthly precipitation are discussed. The climate noises of monthly precipitation in January, April, July and October are estimated by using the improved methods. The results show that with the precipitation increasing, the climate noise of monthly precipitation would increase and has obvious seasonal change. Generally, the value of climate noise is greater in summer than in winter. In spatial distribution, the climate noise in the most areas of China decreases prominently from south to north, and from coastal areas to inland all the year round.
Key words:
- Monthly precipitation;
- Climate noise;
- Variance
表 1 1月和7月降水量噪声估计值 (mm)
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