摘要: 应用等熵位涡收支方程对发生于西北太平洋日本东海附近的爆发性气旋进行了位涡及位涡收支诊断分析.发现爆发性气旋不同于普通气旋发展机制, 主要是由于平流层底位涡异常对对流层扰动产生较集中凝结加热, 使上下系统耦合打通的结果.从位涡收支来看, 气旋爆发性发展伴随着对流层顶上空有强的涡度平流作用, 而对流层中层存在着较集中的大尺度凝结结构和对流天气系统.Abstract: A diagnostic analysis of two explosive cyclogenesis and a general cyclone over the Northwest Pacific Ocean in 1979 is made by using both potential vorticity and E-P flux. The analysis results demonstrate that explosive cyclogenesis development is caused by the concentrated condensation heating resulted from abnormal stratospheric potential vorticity and tropospheric turbulence. The main dynamic mechanism is upper-level forcing and middle-tropospheric aqueous vapor transportation, which result in large-scale convergence condensation latent heating.
Key words:
- Explosive cyclogenesis;
- Potential vorticity;
- E-P flux;
- Diagnostic analysis
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