摘要: 该文对发生在太平洋和大西洋的16个爆发性气旋作了合成分折, 对强弱爆发性气旋作了对比及诊断.研究发现, 基本场上存在不少明显的差异.分析得出, 强爆发性气旋的形成与高空急流的非纬向性以及反气旋性弯曲密切相关.非纬向高空急流为爆发性气旋提供了强的辐散、斜压性、斜压不稳定场.高层强爆发性气旋前部的反气旋曲率易造成重力惯性波在能量北传时发展, 促使气旋快速加深.暖平流及非绝热加热可使反气旋曲率加强.一般情况下, 当气旋西部位涡的大值区与北部位涡的大值区叠加下沉时, 有利于气旋爆发性发展.Abstract: In this paper, 16 explosive cyclones over Atlantic and Pacific oceans are analyzed. The "weak" and "strong" explosive cyclones are diagnosed and compared. It is found that the basic fields are different at many aspects. The formation of strong explosive cyclones is related to the non-zonal upper jet of anticyclonic curvature. The jet can cause the upper divergence fields and baroclinity and baroclinic instability as well as the development of internal gravity waves northward. The warm advection and diabatic heating can increase the curvature. In general, when the larger value centers of potential vorticity move toward the centers of explosive cyclones, it is advantageous to explosive cyclones.
Key words:
- Pacific;
- Atlantic;
- Explosive cyclone;
- Composite diagnosis;
- Non-zonal upper jet
表 1 16个爆发性气旋的强度和爆发时及其前后地面气旋的位置
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