摘要: 讨论蒸发势的一种经验计算方法, 考虑了平均气温、相对湿度、风速3种要素.其数值与彭曼蒸发势值, 与用E601蒸发器、小型蒸发器观测的蒸发量 (以下分别简称E601蒸发量, 小型蒸发量) 作相关分析, 相关系数都在极显著水平以上, 而且很稳定.因此, 初步认为这种计算法适合于本地.本计算方法通俗易懂, 便于掌握和使用, 与有关指标 (例如干热风指标) 可以较好地衔接.利用本计算方法所得结果在评估水分盈亏时取得了明显的成效, 在干旱和干热风分析中有重要的实际意义.Abstract: A empirical method for calculating the evaporation potential is discussed. It is the function of three factors:average air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. The correlation analysis is made between the obtained values and Penman evaporation potential values, as well as evaporation capacity observed with a E601 Evaporimeter and a small-sized evaporimeter. The correlation coefficients are above the remarked level and very stable. It can be concluded preliminarily that the method is applicable to the local area, easy to understand, easy to use and can be used along with concerned indexes very well, for example Xerothermic winds. It obtained success in estimating the moisture profit and loss, and has significance in analyzing Xerothermic winds and droughts.
表 1 通辽各月E01/E0与v的相关系数
表 2 通辽各月E02与E01相关系数
表 3 通辽月E601与E02的相关系数
表 4 旬E601与E02的相关系数
表 5 日E601与E02的相关系数
表 6 河套春麦区干热风指标及I值
表 7 通辽春玉米上、中、下各旬的蒸散系数
表 8 通辽市春玉米相对气象单产与降水量、水分盈亏量的R、F值
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