摘要: 利用1954~2000年中国大陆681个站的观测资料, 分析了近47年我国沙尘暴的时空分布特征。结果表明:我国北方的干旱、半干旱地区是沙尘暴的易发区, 其中西北地区是多发区; 沙尘暴的发生时间具有明显的日变化和季节差异; 47年间除青海、内蒙古和新疆的小部分地区的沙尘暴呈增长趋势外, 我国北方大部分地区的沙尘暴在减少; 甘肃民勤与新疆和田两个强沙尘暴多发区20世纪80和90年代的强沙尘暴明显少于50和70年代; 2000年华北和西北东部部分地区的沙尘暴多于90年代均值, 但绝大部分地区仍明显少于常年平均值; 沙尘暴与大风的年际振荡及多年变化趋势有一致性, 单站相关系数可以达到0.5以上。Abstract: Based on the available observation data from 681 meteorological stations in China in 1954—2000, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of sandstorms in China in recent 47 years have been analyzed. The results show: (1) The arid and semi-arid regions in north part of China are sandstorm's easily influencing area, and Northwest is high-incidence area. (2) The characteristics of sandstorm's daily variation and seasonal variation are significant. (3) In recent 45 years, the frequency of sandstorms increased at a few stations in Qinghai province, Xinjiang and Inner Monglia, but decreased in the most northern parts of the country. (4) The number of violent sandstorm events in 1980's and 1990's is significantly less than that in 1950's and 1970's at Minqin, Gansu and Hetian, Xijiang. (5) The number of sandstorm events in 2000 is more than the average in 1990's, but less than the average in 1956—2000 in North China and the east part of Northwest China. (6) The interannual change and secular trend of sandstorms are consistent with the variation of strong wind. The correlation coefficient between sandstorm and strong wind is generally over 0.5 at a single station.
表 1 北京等15个代表站不同年代的平均年总沙尘暴日数
表 2 1954~2000年民勤与和田代表站的强和特强沙尘暴个例谱
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