摘要: 以大豆“中黄-14”为试验材料, 利用OTC-1型农田开顶式气室, 首次模拟研究单独CO2和O3浓度倍增及其交互作用对大豆生物量、产量及其构成因子、同化产物分配形式和收获指数的影响。与未通CO2和O3的处理相比, 单独CO2浓度倍增对生物量、产量、荚果串数、荚数、籽粒数、籽粒重具有正效应, O3为明显的负效应, 通气时段越长效果越明显; 持续的CO2浓度和O3浓度倍增交互作用表现为CO2的影响大于O3; CO2和O3交互作用逐渐达到浓度倍增的处理, 由于O3剂量逐渐累积和阶段性增加, 对大豆刺激逐渐增强, 最终O3的负效应与CO2的正效应相近。单独O3浓度倍增抑制光合产物向根和籽粒的输送, 向叶茎的输送明显增强, 使根冠比 (RSR)、子粒与茎杆比 (GCR) 明显下降, 长期作用可使大豆收获指数 (HI) 减小, 叶重比 (LWR) 显著增加, 且随通气时间的延长影响增大; CO2浓度倍增及其交互作用对RSR、LWR、GCR和HI影响相对较小, 仅在±10%左右。
- CO2和O3浓度倍增;
- 交互作用;
- 大豆产量;
- 生物量
Abstract: The single or interactive effects of double CO2 and O3 concent rations on soybean (Gly cine max L.Merr.) are investigated for first time by using a soybean cultivars, Zhonghuang-14, in an open-top chamber.Cont rasting to the control, the effects of doubled CO2 concentration alone on soybean biomass, yield, legumen bunches, legumen numbers, grain numbers and weight are posit ive, but the effects of doubled O3 concent ration alone on the above parameters are obviously negative; and the longer the ventilation time periods are, the more obvious the effects are.When both CO2 and O3 concentrations are doubled, their interaction shows that the effect of CO2 is greater than that of O3.In the process of CO2 and O3 concentrations increasing gradually, the negative O3 effect approached the posi tive CO2 effect eventually because of the gradually cumulating O3 concent ration and gradually increasing stimulation.The doubled O3 concent ration alone suppresses photosynthetic products into the soybean roots and grains, but increases those into soybean stems and leaves, resulting in the reduced root/shoot ratio (RSR) and grain/culm ratio (GCR).The long-period effect reduces Harvest Index (HI) and increases Leaf Weight Ratio (LWR) markedly.With the ventilation time prolonged the effects are more remarkable.The interactive effects of doubled CO2 and O3 concentrations on the RSR、LWR、GSR and HI are relatively slight, only within±10%.-
Key words:
- Doubled CO2 and O3 concentration;
- Interaction;
- Soybean production;
- Biomass
表 1 T4处理下不同通气天数的CO2和O3浓度变化
表 2 CO2、O3浓度倍增及交互作用对光合产物分配的影响
表 3 单株产量构成因子相对T5变化率
表 4 CO2、O3浓度倍增及交互作用对收获指数 (HI) 的影响
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