摘要: 为了研究中国大陆温室性气体CO2、CH4和N2O大气浓度的区域分布和变化特征以及与人类活动的关系,从1995~2000年,先后在青海瓦里关山全球大气基准站(36°18′N,100°54′E,3810 m)及河北中国科学院兴隆天文台(40°24′N,117°30′E, 940 m),利用不锈钢瓶取样和气相色谱法分析,观测了两地大气中温室气体CO2、CH4和N2O的浓度及其变化情况。结果表明:兴隆和瓦里关山站CO2、CH4和N2O的同期年平均浓度分别为376.7×10-6和373.5×10-6,1886×10-9和1831×10-9,316.7×10-9和314.9×10-9。从1995~2000年,兴隆站CO2、CH4和N2O的年增长率分别为1.95×10-6,9.02×10-9和0.75×10-9。而瓦里关山站从1997~2000年,CO2、CH4和N2O的年增长率分别为1.41×10-6,9.95×10-9和0.82×10-9。两地大气中三种气体的浓度与年增长率与全球同类台站的观测结果接近。同时也在一定程度上反映了各自不同的环境背景特征。Abstract: In order to study the characteristics of regional distribution and variation of greenhouse gases, including CO2, CH4 and N2O on the China continent and their relationships with human activities, the variations of atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4 and N2O were measured at China Atmosphere Watch Baseline Observatory at Mt. Waliguan (36°18′N, 100°54′E, 3810 m) and at Astronomical Observatory at Xinglong (40°24′N, 117°30′E, 940 m) during the period of 1995 to 2000 with stainless steel sampling canisters by means of the gas chromatographic method. The results show that the average atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4 and N2O at both Xinglong and Mt. Waliguan are 376.7×10-6 and 373.5×10-6, 1886×10-9 and 1831×10-9, 316.7×10-9 and 314.9×10-9, respectively. From 1995 to 2000, the average annual increments of CO2, CH4 and N2O at Xinglong are 1.95×10-6 mol/mol, 9.02×10-9 mol/mol, and 0.75×10-9 mol/mol, respectively. The average annual increments of CO2, CH4 and N2O at Mt. Waliguan are 1.41×10-6 mol/mol, 9.95×10-9 mol/mol and 0.82×10-9 mol/mol respectively. The atmospheric concentrations of CO2, CH4 and N2O and the average annual growth rates are closed to the monitoring results from the similar global observatories. On the other hand, the results reveal the difference of the environmental background between Xinglong and Mt. Waliguan to some extent.
表 1 测量CO2、CH4和N2O浓度的色谱 (GC) 分析条件
表 2 兴隆,瓦里关山1995~2000年CH4(×10-9)、CO2(×10-6) 和N2O (×10-9) 的月平均浓度 (V/V)
表 3 与WMO/ GAW网部分台站大气CO2、CH4和N2O浓度 (V/ V) 年平均增长率的比较
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