The instability of wind in speed and direction can lead to vibration in the structure and can cause their damage. Wind over the summit of mountain affects less by locate landfrom and its flow pattern is the stability. As wind models, there is an important meaning for research the vibration by wind load on the building construction to the observation and analyses for wind turbulence over the summit of mountain. The changes of wind speed and direction under the various winds flowing through the Tai-mountain Weather Station are observed simultaneously per second. The observed samples are tested and of the normal distribution. A statistical analysis shows that the sample variance of wind direction is obviously more than the sample variance of wind speed. The curve diagrams of own and mutual spectral density of each sample of wind speed and direction are given. The spectrum diagrams show that the samples have the characteristic of red noise sequence, the curves of own and mutual spectral density of different sample have a similar shape, but the own spectral curve of wind speed fits best. There are two peak values in the spectral density curve at the period of 4 and 2 second.