摘要: 该文对2002年12月份北京出现的1841年以来历史上最长的连续6天的降雪天气进行了合成分析和诊断分析。北半球合成环流形势显示,连续降雪发生在东亚稳定的纬向环流形势下,其上游地区强大经向环流和阻塞高压使中纬度东亚和西太平洋纬向环流得以维持。东亚合成环流的垂直结构表明,连续降雪期间华北地区始终处于锋区中,并存在低空辐合、高空辐散的散度场垂直分布结构。卫星水汽云图显示出有水汽通道向河套倒槽云系输送水汽。华北地区的诊断分析表明,地面和边界层中山东地区分裂高压南侧向北回流的偏南气流是造成降雪的主要水汽通道。变形场的流场结构使水汽在北京附近辐合。垂直剖面展现了华北回流降雪天气近地面层的浅薄的冷空气垫,和暖湿空气回流在冷空气垫上的爬升,并在其上形成一个浅薄的饱和层。Abstract: Five-day snowfall, which occurred in Beijing on 19—23 December 2002 and became the longest-lasting snowfall since 1841, is compositely analyzed. Five-day composite circumfluence showed that the snowfall took place in the constant zonal circulation. During the period, there was a strong Mongolia High on the surface. And the ridge of high pressure protruded southward our country’s east. On 850 hPa, Hetao area has a northward trough, and Beijing lied in the positive vortex of the trough. On 500 hPa, a front crossing Asia from west to east located 40~45°N. On 300 hPa, Beijing situated positive vortex of the axis of the jet, which was straightly zonal. The vertical section indicated that Beijing was convergent on the low-lever whereas divergent on the high-level. And there were two fronts. In a conclusion, Beijing was controlled by the large-scale circumfluence that was in favor of snowfall.The analysis of Huabei area during the continuous snowfall showed that the deformation field locating the north of trough had evident vapor convergence. Moisture flux indicated that vapor came from the return flow of the Yellow Sea, but not the return flow of Bo Sea. The warm advection in the east of Hetao trough was the cause of ascending.
Key words:
- Composite analysis;
- Mongolia High;
- Trough;
- Front
图 2 2002年12月19至23日东亚地区的合成垂直剖面分析(剖面基线在图 1b 中给出)
(a)温度(虚线,单位:℃)和风速(实线及灰度,单位:m/ s),(b)散度(偏白色为辐合,深灰色为辐散,单位为10-6s-1)
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