摘要: 从资料的完整性和合理性、方法的规范性等几方面着手,对深圳湾公路大桥设计风速进行推算。利用深圳市气象站1954~2001年逐年年最大风速资料,通过时距、高度、地形等订正后得到相当于开阔平地上方10 m高度10 min年最大风速48年序列,使之符合建筑抗风指南或规范的要求。再利用极值Ⅰ型计算出不同重现期的基本风速,同时用耿贝尔的参数估算法和修正后的矩法参数估计法计算出不同重现期(200、120、100、60、50、30、10年)的基本风速。研究发现桥位区自动气象站与深圳市气象站最大风速正相关显著,前者是后者的1.1倍,从而可将基本风速外推到桥位区,进一步根据规范将该值放大1.11/2(1.049)倍至海面上,最终得到设计风速。还利用近地层风的指数和对数曲线推算出150 m内每10 m高度层的最大风速。Abstract:
Beginning from the completeness and rationality of the data and standardization of the methods, the designed wind velocity (DWV) for the Shenzhen Bay Bridge is caculated. A 48-year series of yearly maximum 10-minute averaged wind velocity at the 10 m height above surface is obtained through several correcting steps to the original records of yearly maximum wind velocity (MWV) from 1954 to 2001 at Shenzhen Meteorological Station so that meets the requirement of the guidance or standard for the resistance of building structures against wind pressure. Reference wind velocitys (RWV) at different return periods of 200, 120, 100, 60, 50, 30 and 10 years are caculated by adopting the function of Extreme I. It is found that MWV at the automatic meteorological stations near the beach or the bridge is positive correlation with that at Shenzhen Meteorological Station and the averaged value of the former is 10% larger than the later. Further more, the wind velocity over the sea is 4.9% larger than that at the beach according to the standard. So, DWV can be got through enlarging the RWV by a times of 1.1×1.049 (1.154), which is out-extended to every 10-m interval layers under 150 m above the sea surface .
表 1 深圳市气象站(风)观测场地、仪器变更情况
表 2 深圳市气象站1954~1970年的年最大风速及其时次和高度转换
表 3 深圳市气象站1971~2001年的年最大风速
表 4 利用极值Ⅰ 型(用耿贝尔法)计算出的不同重现期基本风速
表 5 深圳湾公路大桥桥位区的不同重现期10 min平均年最大风速(m°s-1)
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