摘要: 该文简单介绍了GISS海气耦合模式, 并且利用该模式进行数值模拟, 以此来判断其模拟能力, 尤其是对亚洲地区的模拟。结果表明:该模式模拟的亚洲地区大气和海洋的气候状况比较接近实况, 具有一定的气候模拟能力。同时, 由于其较粗的分辨率, 对计算机要求不高, 容易利用目前国内中小型计算机进行长期运转, 是一个简易的数值模拟工具。文章也讨论了该模式模拟的不足之处, 如亚洲地区模拟的地面气温偏低, 海温略偏高, 青藏高原南部夏季降水过大, 中国华北夏季降水偏少等。Abstract: GISS Atmosphere-Ocean coupled model is briefly described. Some simulation is conducted by using the model to judge its ability of climate simulation especially for Asian region. The results show that the simulated climatology of atmosphere over Asian region and ocean is close to the observation, which indicates that the model can be used for the study of climate change. Due to its coarse resolution and low requirement on computer resource, it is easy to run on the middle or small scale computer. Some defects of the model is also discussed, which need to be improved such as low surface temperature simulated in Asian region, high sea temperature, high rainfall on the south side of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and low precipitation in North China in Summer and so on.
Key words:
- Atmosphere-Ocean coupled model;
- Asian region
表 1 耦合程序
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