摘要: 该文在多尺度湍流理论的研究成果基础上, 将边界层湍流风谱与平均量的梯度相联系, 建立了边界层多尺度湍流参数化子模式, 之后放入MM5模式中进行了个例模拟研究, 并与MM5模式附带的M RF边界层参数化、Blackadar高分辨率边界层参数化的模拟结果进行比较和分析。结果表明, 多尺度湍流理论能够反映出实际大气边界层中热量垂直输送的规律, 将其用于中尺度数值预报模式的边界层物理过程参数化是可行的; 多尺度湍流参数化在地表层和边界层内各个层次上都着重考虑含能量最大的涡的作用以及水平热力不均匀性的影响, 因此在地形和下垫面比较复杂的区域, 对中尺度天气系统的模拟有进一步发展的前景。Abstract: Based on the multi-scale turbulent theory the sub-model of Multi-scale turbulent planetary boundary layer parameterization is set up by analyzing the relation of the gradient of average wind and the spectrum of turbulence in atmospheric boundary layer. Then the submodel is applied in MM5 to simulate the storm rainfall. Meanwhile the result of simulating is compared to that of the boundary layer parameterization of MRF and Blackadar originally included in MM5. After simulating the heavy rainfall between Changjiang and Haihe in Jun 22nd, 2002, it shows that the effect of the physical process in atmospheric boundary layer on mesoscale rainstorm is obvious because the change on vertical transportation of the momentum, heat and vapour near ground result in great difference in wind in lower level of MM5 and have effect on the birth and development of mesoscale synoptic system. In additional, the result also shows the ability to forecast large scale weather system is relied on the initial field and the dynamical structure of numerical model. The physical process has less effect on the forecast ability of large scale synoptic system, but influence obviously the forecast ability of mesoscale synoptic system. On the several rainstorm simulating, the effect caused by turbulent exchange between ground layer and each layer in boundary layer on wind field in lower layer is obvious especially in the area with complex topographic and surface characters. Therefore, it has long-range future to apply Multi-scale turbulent boundary layer parameterization on simulating the mesoscale synoptic system. In general, it is feasible to apply Multi-scale turbulent theory on mesoscale numerical simulating. Introducing the turbulence σw, σT and the sizes of eddy make it possible that the vertical motion in atmospheric boundary layer not only directly relate to dynamic structure of ground layer, for example Z0, but also relate to the nonuniformity of heat structure in ground layer and every layer in atmospheric boundary layer, and it is just the advantage of Multi-scale turbulent boundary layer parameterization.
表 1 2002年6月22日08 :00~23日08:00 18个站点的实况和预报降水量及预报准确率
表 2 分别采用三种边界层参数化方案的MM5对4个暴雨个例模拟的结果
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