By using energy balance method and considering the balance among solar short-wave radiation, atmospheric and ground long-wave radiations, latent heat fluxes and sensible heat fluxes, an operational forecasting model for concrete road-surface temperature is established, the parameterizations of absorption and scattering of vapor, aerosol and cloud are also adopted in this model. The daily observation data Nanchang City (from July 26, 2002 to Augest 24, 2002) have been used in the validation of model, results show that when sunshine hour per day in summer is less than 5 h, the biggest error of forecasting for the highest road-surface temperature is than 4℃, and the mean absolute value of the errors in validation period is less than 2.13℃, which proves that the model is practically useful. But in rainy or non-sunshine days, the model doesn't work well.