摘要: 根据微波遥感积雪的原理, 提出了利用NOAA-16 AMSU的1通道 (23.8 GHz)、2通道 (31.4 GHz) 和15通道 (89.0 GHz) 等3个通道监测中国五大区域雪盖范围的初步判识方法。由该方法制作合成了2001年10月1日至2002年4月1日中国地区的周积雪覆盖监测图, 与来自全国气象台站的地面积雪观测记录以及美国人机交互式冰雪制图系统 (I nteractive Snow and Ice Mapping System, IMS) 的雪盖图、SSM/ I (Special Sensor Microwave Imager) 雪盖图的比较结果表明:AMSU监测结果不仅具有比较高的准确性, 而且其准确性和可靠性达到甚至优于其它两种积雪监测结果 (尤其是雪季中期)。Abstract: The territory of China was divided into five areas, and a primary method for each area was proposed to monitoring snow-cover over China, using the data from channel 1, 2, 15 of NOAA-16 AMSU.With these methods, weekly compositive snow-cover maps of China were achieved during the period of October 1, 2001 to April 1, 2002.The comparison of the ground snow-depth record from the meteorological stations all around the country with snowcover maps mapped by NOAA Interactive Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS), and from SSM/I (Special Sensor Microw ave Imager) data w ere used to examine the reliability of the snow-cover maps form AMSU in detail.Analysis result shows that the discrimination of AMSU snow-cover maps is good, and the correctness of AMSU snow-cover maps is close or even superior to those of IMS and SSM/I, especially during the medium-term of the snow season.
Key words:
- Microw ave;
- Remote sensing;
- Areal snow-cover;
- Discrimination
图 3 3种监测结果在中国主要积雪区的“雪”判识准确率(说明同图 2)
图 4 3种监测结果在中国主要积雪区的“非雪”判识准确率(说明同图 2)
图 5 3种监测结果在中国主要积雪区的整体判识准确率 (说明同图 2)
图 6 青藏高原雪盖率的监测结果
(说明同图 2)
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